Presently, the most complete collection of B33 basketball felts is contained in my collection and is shown in the image. Note that the image also shows 2 larger B16 flannels (discussed separately). In addition, an extra Chicago B33 felt is shown. This will be removed and replaced with the Bucknell B33 if ever acquired. The value of these felts is deceiving and almost always underestimated. While some felts can be acquired with little competition and at reasonable prices, as collectors reach the final pieces needed for completion of their collection, the prices go up exponentially. In several cases, there are less than 5 known examples of certain basketball felts. In the case of Michigan felt, there are only two or three known examples. This resulted in the last auction reaching almost $2000 for this particular item. This particular set of felts was purchased from my friend Hank - thanks Hank! - on July 13, 2003. This item and the 1896 Spalding Guide became the centerpieces of my vintage basketball collection.
Category object (13)Sub Category:
SubCategory object (25)Condition:
ExcellentIn Collection: