The T6 college series set of 25 cards contained one basketball card, Williams College No. 24. Unlike it's smaller T51 companion, the T6 card is approximately 5" x 8" (cabinet size) and was attained by mailing in 15 picture coupons (11-61 type). The back of the card has an expiration date of June 30, 1911. I've placed the same date on this as the T51, however it is generally accepted that this card followed or is slightly newer than the T51. Burditt's American Card Catalog mentioned two variations. Specifically for the Williams College card, Type 1 has the flag extending out of the players hip and has serif font. Type 2 has the flag extending up from the floor. Differences are seen in the net design, the players face and hair, and the lettering on the flag. Differences are seen in the position placement of the series information. Other differences can be seen on close inspection.
Category object (5)Sub Category:
SubCategory object (86)Condition:
GoodIn Collection:
YesManufacturer Artist:
Manufacturer object (22)